Repeat the steps above for the UDP protocol (fig. 16 Rule name and finishing the New Inbound Rule Wizard For OPC clients to be able to connect to OPC servers on this computer, you should add rules for incoming DCOM connections.įig. 3.1 Permitting DCOM activityīy default, Windows blocks inbound connections from other computers. Select Settings - Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Firewall - Advanced Settings in the sidebar or run it from the command line (Win + R) using the "firewal.cpl" command. To open the firewall management console, you should move the mouse pointer to one of the desktop corners. 9 Access to the computer or server management consoleįor Windows 8 users. If the client and the server are used on one computer, there is no need to configure the firewall.įig. Below you can see an example of configuring the standard firewall in Windows 8. If the client and the server are located on different computers, firewall configuration is required. For servers and clients to run normally, you should permit these connections in your firewall. The DCOM technology the OPC technology is based on uses reserved system port 135. Configuring the Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 firewall for DCOM and OPC Please follow the steps from this Microsoft Support Link.Print version 3. Then click OK in the main window to save the changes.